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The Water Panther — a cross between a feline and an aquatic reptile — rises from Native American legend to exact a terrible price.
The Missouri, the “Big Muddy,” is the longest river in the United States. It’s also the setting for several pivotal scenes in Water Folk.
Captain Ahab’s fictional nemesis was based in part on a real white whale, Mocha Dick, that survived 100 encounters with human hunters.
The San Jacinto River, just east of present-day Houston, was the site of Santa Anna’s decisive defeat by the revolutionaries of Texas.
Large swaths of Water Folk take place in the South Pacific and North Atlantic, with American whalers chasing an unnatural quarry.
In the mythology of the Shoshone, Paiute, and other Western tribes, the Paakniwat were a Water Folk that used baby cries as a lure.